Little Tel Aviv Now Closed
September 30, 2013
Another Kosher establishment gone. Although Little Tel Aviv wasn’t under the hashgachah of MSP Kosher, we still mourn its loss with its doors now shuttered. We hope that someone will step up to fill the growing void of kosher establishments here in the Twin Cities. Entrepreneurs and Restaurateurs — we need you!
Seven Stars Coffee House Now Closed
May 1, 2013
It certainly was great while it lasted. Seven Stars…we will surely miss you! From the owner:
“Dear friends and neighbors, Yesterday we closed our doors for the last time. I know I speak for everyone at our bakery when I say that we have thoroughly enjoyed our time with you over the last 3 years. This is not a sad day. We have all moved on to fulfill our next step in our lives. Whether we are going to other bakeries, culinary positions, barista jobs, nanny jobs, college, etc, we are moving on along life’s path and are excited at the opportunities. For me, I am returning to my first love. I am home with my family. Thank you all for the memories you have given all of us that will last a lifetime. May your lives be filled with the sweetness of honey and the fragrance of cinnamon. Kathy”
New Kosher Option in Town: Vitali’s Bistro
January 1, 2013
We’re thrilled to hear that Vitali’s Bistro has opened its doors under the supervision of Minnesota Kosher. Hopefully this kosher dairy establishment will be around for the long haul!
Bacon Ice Cream at Sebastian Joe’s?
November 14, 2012
It seems as though pigs have finally flown. “When Pigs Fly” is the name of the new flavor introduced by Sebastian Joe’s, debuting this week. The catch? The flavor centers around bacon–clearly not a kosher foodstuff. However, the kosher observant and concerned community can rest assured: just as there have been standards and measures in place to ensure the kashrut (kosher status) of the kosher flavors up until this point, the system will continue to be upheld and enforced. Though the new (non-kosher) bacon flavor may sound more “non-kosher” than the rest–a non-kosher flavor is a non-kosher flavor, no matter what the prohibited ingredient, and the process is entirely isolated. And at the end of the day, Sebastian Joe’s is still the best place to get ice cream in the Twin Cities. This is true for kosher and non-kosher dessert lovers alike! View the Sebastian Joe’s Profile on MSP Kosher »
American Jewish World Releases Revised Report on Hebrew National
June 22, 2012
The American Jewish World issued a revised version of their report, which can be found here: Note: the “nod” to MSP Kosher.
Hebrew National Kosher Products in the Press
June 15, 2012
MSP Kosher currently provides kosher supervision for the Kosher Hot Dog Stand at Target Field. According to an article in the American Jewish World, a class action lawsuit has been filed against Hebrew National–the manufacturer of the kosher hot dogs served at Target Field.
AER has provided the following response:
“It has come to the attention of AER Services, Inc. that certain allegations have been made against the Company by Mordecai Specktor of the American Jewish World. The Company is currently reviewing its legal options and, without delay, intends to vigorously defend its reputation and good name against the baseless and meritless claims to the maximum extent of the law. It must be noted that in order to ensure and protect the kosher process, in the past, certain individuals have been terminated from their employment as a result of their disregard and violation of the rabbinical supervision’s rules and procedures as well as directives enacted by the Company. AER has strong reason to believe that, certain embittered former employees with their own personal agenda of retaliation are behind these false and unfounded allegations. AER stands committed to defending itself against all false allegations and remains confident and prepared to initiate and/or respond in a court of law to protect the Company’s name.”
Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag and Triangle K Kosher Supervision (Hebrew National’s Kosher Supervision agency) provided the following response:
“It has come to my attention that a false and slanderous email about the Kashrus of Hebrew National, under our strict Rabbinical Supervision of Triangle K, has been sent out. Let me emphatically state that we thoroughly investigate and seriously look into, any and all Kashrus complaints which come to our attention. Over the years, we have enacted various precautions, regulations, and enhancements, to insure (sic) the Kashrus of the Hebrew National brand. This includes unexpected oral tests and exams of the Halachic material required to be mastered , and the constant scrutiny of the level of piety and fear-of-heaven of our laughterers and lung inspectors. Anyone found not to be up-to-par with our standards, has been terminated . All these are documented facts. Clearly these lies are coming from persons found to be below-par, and consequently were duly removed. These disgruntled and frustrated workers are now attempting to make themselves righteous, by making bogus Kashrus claims. We strongly stand behind our Triangle K Kashrus symbol, on the Hebrew National brand, to be 100% strictly Kosher.”
We at MSP Kosher stand behind Hebrew National and its Kosher status until it is proven otherwise.
of Hebrew National, under our strict Rabbinical Supervision of Triangle K, has
been sent out.
Let me emphatically state that we thoroughly investigate and seriously look
into, any and all Kashrus complaints which come to our attention.
Over the years, we have enacted various precautions , regulations , and
enhancements, to insure the Kashrus of the Hebrew National brand.
This includes unexpected oral tests and exams of the Halachic material required
to be mastered , and the constant scrutiny of the level of piety and fear-of -
heaven of our slaughterers and lung inspectors. Anyone found not to be up-to-par
with our standards, has been terminated . All these are documented facts.
Clearly these lies are coming from persons found to be below-par, and
were duly removed.
These disgruntled and frustrated workers are now attempting to make themselves
righteous, by making bogus Kashrus claims.
We strongly stand behind our Triangle K Kashrus symbol, on the Hebrew National
brand, to be 100% strictly Kosher.
Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag - Triangle K Kosher Supervision"
Just Truffles on Grand in Saint Paul Now Kosher!
March 26, 2012
Just down the street from the Kosher Breadsmith in Saint Paul is yet another kosher option…but this time for decadent desserts! Just Truffles is the self-proclaimed single source for nothing but sumptuous, sensual pleasure. One truffle and a glass of port is the ultimate elite desert, the perfect way to indulge yourself — and your guests — without overindulging. One box is a gift that’s viscerally unforgettable. Each hand-dipped truffle is the real thing (no preservatives and wax-free). Creamy, buttery chocolate … fantastic fruits … luscious liqueur extracts … every bite is a delight, a rare treat from the premium small kettle kitchen located on prestigious Grand Avenue. These are the best Truffles in the country–and they’re kosher now too! (Just not Kosher for Passover!) View the Just Truffles Profile on MSP Kosher »
JTA Jumps on the Hot Dog Bandwagon…
March 30, 2011
JTA picked up the story today about MSP Kosher bringing kosher hot dogs to Target Field. Read Article »
MSP Kosher on KARE11
March 30, 2011
In covering the exciting new food options at Target Field this season, KARE11 highlights the new Kosher Hot Dog Stand. Read Article and Watch Video »